Transform your Due-diligence and FINRA 3110 (e) compliance capabilities

Improved Regulatory Control and Compliance

Firms can allow external parties (e.g. regulators) controlled and authorized access to the data or the dashboard if required. Increased transparency provides efficient monitoring and controls for third-party audits, or inquiries.

Operational Efficiencies and Cost Savings

Reduces the risk of error arising from the manually checking the same information from multiple systems that is prevalent in every financial institution. Creating a transparent automated and streamlined process removes any doubt or confusion and ultimately reduces risk.

Reduced Operational Risk

Eliminates the need to go to several disparate sources to collect information manually and repetitively. All information is made available via a single click in one dashboard. Further historical data (employment and education) is verified and stored in a ledger eliminating the need for repetitive verification. Improved efficiency also makes it a cost -effective process.

Digital and Transparent Process

Optimizes the process with up-to-date, accurate and meaningful data whilst transforming a manual, error prone, time-consuming process to an efficient and transparent and digital process.

ResourceVerified: Credential Verification

The standard method for checking credentials is anachronistic – a process of verification of data that has little  transparency and relies on manual labor quite often performed from call centers located overseas; with the same data checked in a repetitive fashion ultimately incurring significant costs.  Furthermore, these manual checks are performed at the tail end of the hiring process after several hundred-man hours have already been spent. 

ResourceVerified replaces thousands of offices, individually and repeatedly verifying the same information while countering millions of bytes of misinformation.  Our automated, blockchain-based solution radically reduces employer costs and instances of mis-hires. ResourceVerified replaces the current archaic process with a single verified record. The blockchain does one thing: It replaces third-party trust with mathematical proof that something happened.

ResourceVerified is disrupting the status-quo by creating transparency in a hitherto opaque process and making the verified record tamper-proof. At a mechanical level we are preventing the falsification of qualifications, eliminating redundancies, and creating efficiencies for employers. At the macro level, we are attacking corruption directly to create equal opportunity for everyone in the workforce.